ConnectCore Bluetooth Low Energy Python Library User Guide

The ConnectCore Bluetooth Low Energy Python library provides the ability to communicate your Digi International’s ConnectCore modules with mobile applications using the Digi IoT Mobile SDK.

For this purpose, a local GATT server is created using the native Bluetooth support of the device. This GATT server generates a couple of characteristics, Rx and Tx, to communicate with the connected device.


If native Bluetooth support is not available in the ConnectCore device, the library can search for an XBee 3 BLE capable module attached to it to be used as the communication interface instead of the GATT server.

Once the connection between the service and the remote device is established, the communication is authenticated and encrypted using the SRP protocol. For this step, the same password is required by the remote device and the service. The service takes care of the authentication and encryption process. You can, however, change the authentication password at any time.

All this functionality is abstracted in the library in the form of a service named ConnectCoreBLEService. You can instantiate this service and the library will create the appropriate communication interface based on the preferred BLE communication interface and the availability of native Bluetooth and XBee 3 module attached to the device.

The user guide covers the following points:

Instantiate the service

The first step to start using the ConnectCore Bluetooth Low Energy library is to instantiate a ConnectCoreBLEService service. This service allows you to control the operating state, subscribe listeners to be notified on events, and perform some configuration actions, such as change the authentication password and advertising name.

The service does not have a constructor, instead it provides a static function to generate a unique instance based on the preferred BLE interface:


Static method




Checks the available Bluetooth interfaces of the device and generates a single instance of the class based on the preferred BLE interface. If an instance does already exist, the method simply returns that instance.

The available Bluetooth Low Energy interfaces are the following:

  • ``BLEInterface.ADAPTER``: Built-in Bluetooth device adapter.

  • ``BLEInterface.XBEE3``: XBee 3 BLE module.

  • ``BLEInterface.ANY``: Built-in Bluetooth device adapter, if available, otherwise XBee 3. This is the default option.

Instantiate the ConnectCoreBLEService service


from digi.ccble.service import BLEInterface, ConnectCoreBLEService
from digi.ccble.exceptions import BluetoothNotSupportedException


# Instantiate the ConnectCoreBLEService service.
    service = ConnectCoreBLEService(ble_interface=BLEInterface.ANY)
except BluetoothNotSupportedException as exc:
    print("%s" % str(exc))


The previous method may fail for the following reasons:

  • No valid Bluetooth interface is found in the system, throwing a BluetoothNotSupportedException.

Start and stop the service

Once the service is instantiated, you can control when to start and stop it using the corresponding methods.

When the service starts, the advertisement process begins and the device is discoverable by others accepting new connections. Stopping the server interrupts the advertisement process. At this point, the device is no longer discoverable and does not accept new connections.




Starts the service.


Stops the service.


Returns whether the service is running or not.

Start/Stop the service


from digi.ccble.service import ConnectCoreBLEService
from digi.ccble.exceptions import ConnectCoreBLEException


service = ...


# Start the service.
except ConnectCoreBLEException as exc:
    print("%s" % str(exc))


if service.is_running():
    # Stop the service.
    except ConnectCoreBLEException as exc:
        print("%s" % str(exc))

The previous methods may fail for the following reasons:

  • There is an error starting the service, throwing a ConnectCoreBLEException.

  • There is an error stopping the service, throwing a ConnectCoreBLEException.

Receive device connection events

When the service is running, it is very useful to receive device connection events to take specific action when an external device connects or disconnects from your device. The library provides methods to register callbacks for this kind of events and also to check whether a device is connected or not.

To be notified on these events, register the proper callback in the service:




Adds a new callback to the list of callbacks that will be notified when a device connects.


Removes the given callback from the list of connect callbacks.


Adds a new callback to the list of callbacks that will be notified when a device disconnects.


Removes the given callback from the list of disconnect callbacks.


Returns whether there is any device connected to the service or not.

Connection callbacks


from digi.ccble.service import ConnectCoreBLEService


service = ...


# Device connected callback.
def _connect_callback():
  Callback to be notified when a new connection is established.
  print("Device connected")

# Device disconnected callback.
def _disconnect_callback():
  Callback to be notified when a device disconnects.
  print("Device disconnected")


# Register connection callbacks.


if service.is_device_connected():
    # Take specific action.


# Remove connection callbacks.

Receive data from connected device

After a device connects to the service, it might start sending data. Register a callback to be notified when new data is received so that you can take specific actions:




Adds a new callback to the list of callbacks that will be notified when data is received from the connected device.


Removes the given callback from the data_received callbacks list.

Data received callback


from digi.ccble.service import ConnectCoreBLEService


service = ...


# Receive data callback.
def _data_received_callback(data):
  Callback to be notified when data is received.
  print("Data received: %s" % data.decode(encoding="utf-8"))


# Register data received callback.


# Remove data received callback.

Send data to connected device

It is also possible to send data to the connected device after the connection is established. To do so, call the send_data() method with the data to send:




Sends the given data to the connected device through the available BLE interface.

Send data


from digi.ccble.service import ConnectCoreBLEService
from digi.ccble.exceptions import ConnectCoreBLEException


DATA = "Hello world!"
service = ...


# Send data to connected device.
    service.send_data(bytearray(DATA, encoding="utf-8"))
except ConnectCoreBLEException as exc:
    print("%s" % str(exc))

The previous method may fail for the following reasons:

  • There is error sending the data, throwing a ConnectCoreBLEException.

Change advertising name

By default, the service uses CONNECTCORE_XXXX as the advertising name, where XXXX are the last 4 characters of the Bluetooth interface MAC address. You can change this name at any time by using the set_advertising_name() method of the service:




Returns the currently advertised service name.


Changes the currently advertised service name.

Change advertising name


from digi.ccble.service import ConnectCoreBLEService
from digi.ccble.exceptions import ConnectCoreBLEException


service = ...


# Print current advertising name.
    print("Current advertising name: %s" % service.get_advertising_name())
except ConnectCoreBLEException as exc:
    print("%s" % str(exc))


# Change the advertising name.
    service.set_advertising_name("New advertising name")
except ConnectCoreBLEException as exc:
    print("%s" % str(exc))

The previous methods may fail for the following reasons:

  • There is error reading the advertising name, throwing a ConnectCoreBLEException.

  • There is error changing the advertising name, throwing a ConnectCoreBLEException.


If there is a device connected, the name change won’t take effect until the service is stopped and started again, so it is recommended to change this value with the service stopped or without any active connection.

Change authentication password

The SRP protocol requires the server and the client to use the same password to authenticate and encrypt the connection data. By default, the service uses 1234 as the SRP authentication password. You can change this password at any time by using the set_password() method of the service:




Sets the new authentication password for the service.

Change authentication password


from digi.ccble.service import ConnectCoreBLEService
from digi.ccble.exceptions import ConnectCoreBLEException


service = ...


# Change the authentication password.
    service.set_password("New password")
except ConnectCoreBLEException as exc:
    print("%s" % str(exc))

The previous method may fail for the following reasons:

  • There is error changing the authentication password, throwing a ConnectCoreBLEException.


If the password is changed with an active device connection, the communication with the device will start failing until it reconnects. It is recommended to change this value with the service stopped or without any device connected.