ConnectCore Bluetooth Low Energy Python samples

The ConnectCore Bluetooth Low Energy Python Library includes several samples to demonstrate its functionality.

All of the sample applications are contained in the examples folder. Every sample includes the source code and a readme.txt file to clarify the purpose and the required setup to launch the application.

This is the list of available samples:

Configure Interfaces sample

This sample Python application shows how to read and write a set of several interface parameters in JSON format using BLE as the communication transport in ConnectCore devices.

The application uses text files to store fake network interfaces parameters that can be read and set from a mobile application using the ConnectCore Bluetooth Low Energy service.

You can locate the example in the following path: examples/ConfigureInterfacesSample

Echo Server sample

This sample Python application shows how to wait for incoming messages from the connected BLE device and answer back with the same message.

You can locate the example in the following path: examples/EchoServerSample